This school is located in Puttlam district, 3 Km away from Kalpitiya. Currently, 480 students are studying in the School. As it is located near a marshy ground, the water is salty and the school does not have a proper water distribution system in place. Upon agreement with a water distributor, a new water distribution system was installed in the school premises.
This school is located in a rural village in Cheddikulam approximately 33 km away from the Vavuniya town. There are 333 students and 20 teachers in this school and classes are conducted up to the Advance Level stream. The main issue the school is facing is the scarcity of clean drinking water during school hours. The school is unable to gain sufficient clean drinking water from their existing tube well because it contains high concentration of dissolved salt which is not suitable to drink.
Siyambalagoda Primary School is situated in a rural area in Pitabeddara in the Galle District. The school has classes up to grade 5. Refurbishment of their play area and provision of a new Projector, Laptop and Subwoofer with Speakers were conducted.