This school is located in a rural village in Madurankuliya approximately 16 km away from the Puttlam town. There are more than 400 students in this school and classes are conducted up to the Advance Level stream. The main issue the school is facing is the scarcity of clean drinking water during school hours and due to this reason they have to purchase drinking water from outside.
HNBA provided a sponsorship for the musical production “A Million Dreams” by Dimitri Gunaratne in aid of Pibidena Kekula Fund of the Cancer Care Association of Sri Lanka. The musical event embraces the essence of life by capturing the story of a struggling artist.
As a business built on the core pillars of taking care of the community and its people, HNB Assurance donated 150 school bags for the Thalassaemia Unit of the North Colombo (Teaching) Hospital on the World Thalassaemia Day Celebration 2019.