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HNBA Salutes its Champs at the Annual Sales Convention

HNBA Assurance PLC (HNBA)     felicitated     themaestrosof theAdvisor Force    at    the    recently held Annual Sales Convention. The 13thSales Convention of HNBA   was   held   attheCitrusHotel, Waskaduwa. This nightof celebrationwas graced  by  the  presence  ofChairperson  of  HNBA  and  its  fully  owned  subsidiary,HNB General Insurance Limited (HNBGI), Mrs. Rose Cooray as Chief Guest,Members ofthe Board  of  Directors  of  HNBA  together  with  the  Management  of  HNBA  and  HNBGI.  The theme of the night highlighted the MayanCivilization, depictingbravery, strengthand innovativenessof the Advisor Channel and the Company. Sharing  her  thoughts,  Chairperson  of  HNBA  &  HNBGI  Mrs.  Cooray  stated “this star-studdednight celebratesthe  extraordinary  performance  of our  Advisor  Force.  The Advisor Force has proven to bethe backbone of the insuranceindustry and has played a pivotal role inbringing the Company where it is today. I‟m extremely pleased on the performance of our Advisor Forcedelivered during 2017andhonored to witness their great achievements”. Managing  Director/CEO  of  HNBA  and  HNBGI  Mr.  Deepthi  Lokuarachchi,  shared  his thoughts stating, “tonightwe laud and honor  the  go-getters  of  our  AdvisorForcefor their  commitment,  dedication  and  more  importantly  for  their  significant  contribution towards  business  growth.  The  Advisor  Force  generates  a  Gross  Written  Premium (GWP) accounting for 70% of the total GWP and over the years, the Advisor Forcehas
immensely contributedto   the   success   of   the   Companyby   capturing   growth opportunities as well as intrailblazing andseizing potentialmarket segments”. Speaking  at  the  event,  Chief  Operating  Officer  of  HNBA,  Mr.  Prasantha  Fernando stated “tonight  we  celebrate and  pay  tribute  to our Advisor  Forcewhichhas  shown relentless  passion  towards  the  business  by  striving  for  excellence  and  growing  the businessdespitestiff competition  in the  industry.And I‟m surethatwiththesegreatachievements our  Advisorswill  continue  to  growas  the  business  continues  to  reach new heightsin its journey”. Chief  Business  Officer  of  HNBA  Mr.  Ivan  Nicholas  thanked  the  Advisor  Force  stating, “We‟re extremely proud of what ourAdvisor  Force  has  achievedover  the  yearsand we‟re grateful  for  the  sheer  enthusiasm, commitmentand the winning  spiritof  our Advisor Forcein growing the business. Our Advisors with no doubt exemplifies to the true valuesof  anobleLife  InsuranceAdvisor and we‟re sure that  the  Advisor  Force will   continue   to   yield   extraordinary   results   by   setting   new   benchmarks   in   the industry”. The   13thSales   Convention   of   HNBA   felicitated   227top-notchAdvisors   under categories  of  Bronze,  Silver,  Gold  and  SuperGold  including awardsfor  the  Best Service  Center,  Best  Zonal  Manager,  Best  Cluster  Manager,  Best  Regional  Office Manager and Million Dollar Round Table  (MDRT)  qualifierswere also recognized  at the  event. The most esteemed awardof  the  night„the  Best Sales Person of  the  Year‟ was awarded to Mr. R. E. S. Liyanage.

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HNBA Posts Steady Growth in First Half of 2018

HNB Assurance Group delivered impressive financial results for the 1sthalf of 2018, posting a Profit  After  Tax  (PAT)  of  LKR  805  MN.  The  1sthalf  PAT  is  inclusive  of  the regular  profits together  with  the  One-off  Surplus  which  arose  from  the  insurance  industry  valuation  rule change as well as the 1stquarter valuation of the Life Fund under the new valuation method. The profit growth thus reflected the 357% growth over prior. However, the resultant increase remains uniquely applicable only for the year 2018, the Company communication stated. The Group  recorded  a  Gross  Written  Premium  (GWP)  of  LKR  4.2  BN  depicting  a  growth  of  12% amidst  very  tight  market  conditions  when  compared  with  the  GWP  of  LKR  3.8  BN  recorded during the corresponding period of 2017. Sharing   her   views   on   the   financial   results,   Mrs.   Rose   Cooray, Chairperson  of  HNBA  and  HNBGI  stated,  “The  Group  has  made progress  during  the  first  half,  further  strengthening  our  footprint in  the  insurance  industry.  These  impressive  results  were  achieved amidst  many  economic  and  operational  challenges.  The  first  half operating  results  showcase  solidity  of  the  HNBA  Group  and  the improved  efficiencies  of  the  Life  and  General  businesses  and  the strategies   in   place   to   cater   to   the   insurance   needs   of   our community. Both businesses of the Group are committed to deliver value  to  all  stakeholders  as  well  as  to  further  consolidate  firm  standing  of  the  Group  in  the insurance industry”. Expressing   his   views   on   the   first   half   financial   results,   Mr. Deepthi   Lokuarachchi,   Managing   Director/CEO   of   HNBA   and HNBGI stated, “These results are an outcome of the Group’s well-founded  strategies  and well-focused  management  practices.  In a challenging   economic   backdrop,   the   Group   was   successful   in achieving a GWP growth of 12% during 1H 2018”. Speaking on the performance   of   each   business,   Managing   Director/CEO,   Mr. Lokuarachchi commented “classes such as motor and fire of the General   Insurance   business   showcased   an  impressive   growth while  other  classes  including  the  Life  Insurance  business  have  grown  consistently  with  the
market ratios of growth. Total assets of the Group reached LKR 20 BN and the investment in financial  instruments  surpassed  the  value  of LKR  16.5  BN.  As  at  30thJune  2018,  the  Life Insurance  Fund  reached  a  value  of  LKR  11.6  BN  and  the  General  Insurance  Fund  reached  a value of LKR 2.6 BN”. Speaking on the Group’s future prospects, Mr. Lokuarachchi added that the  Group  remains  confident  of  its  ability  to  deal  with  ongoing  and  imminent  challenges facing the business and to grow beyond benchmarks.

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Protecting our People, Protecting Our Community: HNBA Conducts a Workshop on Cancer Awareness

Taking  the  initial  step  to  create  awareness  on  the  causes  and  prevention  of  cancer, HNB Assurance PLC (HNBA) held a workshop for its staff recently. This workshopwas conducted  by  Dr.  Suraj  Perera,  Board  Certified  Specialist  in  Community  Medicine  and Consultant Community Physician of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. Sharing  his  thoughts  Managing  Director/CEO  of  HNBA  and  its  fully  owned  subsidiary HNB General Insurance Limited, Mr. Deepthi Lokuarachchi stated “as a business sworn take care of our community, we believe that real protection and care truly begin with individuals taking care of themselves and leading a healthy lifestyle and thereafter by encouraging  their  families  and  friends  to  follow  similar  steps.  In  the  backdrop  of  the launch of our Hope Cancer Insurance plan, we realized that a workshop of this nature will  help  in  educating  as  well  as  in  creating  awareness  firstly  amongst  our  staff for the  betterment  of  themselves  and  their  families  and  as  we  believe  that  our  staff would carry this message to the community as ambassadors of the brand”. Sharing his views on the Cancer Insurance Plan, Chief Operating Officer Mr. Prasantha Fernando  stated, “our lifestyles, health habits even hereditary conditions contribute to  the  development  of  a  cancer  and  cancer  can  touch  us  all  at  any  point  in  our  lives despite  our  social  strata.  Hence,  it  is  up  to  us  as  individuals  to  take  necessary measures  to  protect  ourselves.  The  cost  of  cancer  treatment  could  often  pose  a threat  to  family  savings  and  the  financial  foundation.  Considering  all  these  aspects, HNBA  launched  its  Cancer  Insurance  Plan,  „Hope‟  with  the  primary  objective  of providing a ray of hope through financial protection to those individuals and families to overcome this dreaded disease”. Speaking at the workshop Dr. Suraj Perera stated “this workshop was conducted with the   aim   of   creating   awareness   on   cancer   and   its   prevention.   Amongst   many contributing   factors   for   the   development   of   a   cancer,   unhealthy   dietary   habits, smoking,  consumption  of  alcohol  and  chewing  of  betel  are  identified  as  the  top
causes   for   cancer   and   it   is   important   to   communicate   these   to   individuals   as prevention with no doubt is better than cure. Workshops of this nature surely help in making  a  lasting  influence  amongst  responsible  individuals.  And  we  believe  that heightening  people‟s  awareness  on  cancer  and  its  precautions  is  the  first  step towards  fighting  cancer  and  will  helpin  making  a  difference  in  their  lifestyles  which will ultimately have a positive impact on the wellbeing of our community”.

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