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HNB Assurance & HNB General Insurance Chief Human Resources Officer among the top 20 most influential HR leaders in Sri Lanka by PeopleHum

Chief Human Resources Officer of HNB Assurance PLC (HNBA) and HNB General Insurance Limited (HNBGI), Mr. Dinuka Pattikiriarachchi has been recognized among the top 20 most influential HR leaders in Sri Lanka by PeopleHum the next generation people engagement platform. Mr. Dinuka Pattikiriarachchi is a professional with over 19 years of experience in the field of human resources. He is a self-driven professional, a mentor with true people centric ethos and strong work ethics known for a being a critical contributor providing leadership at all organisational levels.   Speaking about this achievement, Chief Executive Officer of HNB Assurance PLC and its fully owned subsidiary HNB General Insurance Limited, Mr. Prasantha Fernando stated, “We sincerely wish to congratulate Dinuka for yet another achievement to have been named among the top 20 most influential HR leaders in Sri Lanka and bring pride to both companies, it is indeed a proud moment for all of us”. Sharing his thoughts Mr. Dinuka Pattikiriarachchi said “I personally do not believe in awards and accolades. However, such are part of corporate life, and I am honored and humbled by this recognition. However, the best recognition one could have is seeing the difference she/he has made in transforming organizations, changing lives and developing people. Perhaps I may have done that to some extent, but  it’s never enough. We need to put our heads down and continue!”. Speaking further Mr. Pattikiriarachchi added “I take this opportunity to thank all the organizations I have worked with thus far; Institutions I have gained knowledge through and each and every individual who had worked with me for the recognition I have received. Human Resource Management is about people and without them you are just nothing.” HNB Assurance PLC (HNBA) is one of the fastest growing Insurance Companies in Sri Lanka with a network of 63 branches. HNBA is a Life Insurance company with a rating of A+ (lka) by Fitch Ratings Lanka for ‘National Insurer Financial Strength Rating’. Following the introduction of the segregation rules by the Insurance Regulator, HNB General Insurance Limited (HNBGI) was created and commenced its operations in January 2015; HNBGI continues to specialize in motor, non-motor and Takaful insurance solutions and is a fully owned subsidiary of HNB Assurance PLC. HNB General Insurance has been assigned a ‘National Insurer Financial Strength Rating’ of ‘’A+’’ (lka) by Fitch Ratings Lanka Limited. HNBA is rated within the Top 100 brands and Top 100 companies in Sri Lanka by LMD and HNB Assurance has won international awards for Brand Excellence, Digital Marketing and HR Excellence including the Great Place To Work® Certification, and won many awards for its Annual Reports at award ceremonies organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka.

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HNB Assurance PLC Group Records Impressive Results for 3Q21

HNB Assurance PLC (HNBA) and its fully owned subsidiary HNB General Insurance Limited (HNBGI) posted a Profit After Tax (PAT) of LKR 465 MN (Excluding surplus transfers from the Life Fund which will be determined at the end of the year following the valuation of the Life Fund) for the nine months ended September 2021. The Group recorded a Gross Written Premium (GWP) of LKR 9 BN for the period. Chairperson of HNBA and HNBGI, Mrs. Rose Cooray expressed her views stating, "The business has delivered notable results during the period, demonstrating an impressive growth. Despite the on-going challenges in the market and travel restrictions which were in place, the Group delivered impressive results. The Life Business recorded a growth of 30% and the General Insurance Business recorded a growth of 9%. During the period, the Group further enabled and enhanced its technology initiatives to improve resilience to face the on-going challenges as well as to provide a meaningful and distinctive experience to customers as well as other stakeholders. During the period, the Life Insurance Business recorded a GWP of LKR 5 BN and the General Insurance Business recorded a GWP of LKR 4 BN. The Net Income of the Group surpassed LKR 9.8 BN". Mrs. Cooray further added, "As businesses across the country are battling the aftermath challenges of the pandemic, and with the economy gradually recovering, HNBA and HNBGI will continue to adapt more agile business strategies to deliver superlative value to all our stakeholders, while advancing our mission to build a sustainable future". Sharing his views, Chief Executive Officer of HNBA and HNBGI, Mr. Prasantha Fernando stated, "The Group continued its growth momentum despite the on-going impact of COVID-19, recording a 20% GWP growth during the period, whilst our on-going cost mitigation efforts and other effective business strategies in place helped bolster the Group’s bottom line. Fulfilling its commitment to its customers, the Group settled Insurance Benefits and Claims over LKR 2.9 BN during the period". Mr. Fernando further added, "Investment Income of the Group surpassed LKR1.8 BN and Total Assets of the Group surpassed LKR 34.8 BN. Reaffirming the Group's financial strength, the Life and General Insurance Funds reached values of LKR 19.8 BN and LKR 3.5 BN respectively. Both companies continued to be rated at A+ (Ika) for 'National Insurance Financial Strength Rating' by Fitch Ratings Lanka. The Management is well focused on the way-forward and remains confident on what's ahead and is committed to deliver value to all stakeholders". HNB Assurance PLC (HNBA) is one of the fastest growing Insurance Companies in Sri Lanka with a network of 63 branches. HNBA is a Life Insurance company with a rating of A+ (lka) by Fitch Ratings Lanka for 'National Insurer Financial Strength Rating'. Following the introduction of the segregation rules by the Insurance Regulator, HNB General Insurance Limited (HNBGI) was created and commenced its operations in January 2015; HNBGI continues to specialize in motor, non-motor and Takaful insurance solutions and is a fully owned subsidiary of HNB Assurance PLC. HNB General Insurance has been assigned a 'National Insurer Financial Strength Rating' of "A+" ((ka) by Fitch Ratings Lanka Limited. HNBA is rated within the Top 100 brands and Top 100 companies in Sri Lanka by MD and HNB Assurance has won international awards for Brand Excellence, Digital Marketing and HR Excellence including the Great Place To Work® Certification, and won many awards for its Annual Reports at award ceremonies organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka.

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HNB Assurance PLC Recognized Among the Top 10 Women Friendly Workplaces in Sri Lanka

HNB Assurance PLC (HNBA) has been recognized among the Top 10 Women Friendly Workplaces in Sri Lanka at Women Friendly Workplaces Awards 2021 organized by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and Satyn Magazine. The event was recently held in Cinnamon Grand, Colombo. Sharing his thoughts, Chief Executive Officer of HNBA and its fully owned subsidiary, HNB General Insurance Limited (HNBGI), Mr. Prasantha Fernando stated, “In today’s society women play multiple roles, taking on many challenges to support their families and children. However, most women find it both difficult and challenging to balance responsibilities of their respective profession with the traditionally female-oriented duties required by them at home. With this thought in mind, HNBA and HNBGI has initiated several work-life balance programs to support women in our workplace to reach greater heights in their career, as well as to break the glass ceiling. Creating a gender equal workplace is not a social imperative but its all about good business sense”. Mr. Fernando continued, “We believe that women’s talent pool is a vital part in our organization and over the years we have seen a higher participation of women in our workforce as well as in higher leadership positions across both organizations. The Group will continue to enhance its programs and initiatives focused on women, further creating a safer and happy work environment”. The Chief Human Resources Officer of HNBA and HNBGI, Mr. Dinuka Pattikiriarachchi stated, “This recognition is indeed a great honor to all of us at HNBA and HNBGI. The HNBA Group’s vision has always been to create a work environment promoting equality, inclusion and diversity and this recognition is a testament to our commitment to women across the country. As I always believe, it starts with creating a human friendly workplace. That is the foundation for gender equity. As an organization our effort is to make sure that we don’t look for a man in a women’s body. We need to respect the fact that women are different and that’s a good thing. That given the opportunity, they will do an equally better job as their male colleagues. As organizations and leaders, it’s our duty to do everything possible to create that opportunity”. Mr. Pattikiriarachchi further added, “In a way we are fortunate to have a Chairperson, and a Board which sets very high standards when it comes to Human Resource Management in general. We have a committed and dedicated set of leaders who aspire to live our values day in and day out. We have a system which has zero tolerance on deviations. I believe it requires all these elements to work in coherence to achieve what we have achieved today. But we are conscious, that it’s only a milestone and our journey never end. We need to continue to do better than yesterday, every day“. HNB Assurance PLC (HNBA) is one of the fastest growing Insurance Companies in Sri Lanka with a network of 63 branches. HNBA is a Life Insurance company with a rating of A+ (lka) by Fitch Ratings Lanka for ‘National Insurer Financial Strength Rating’. Following the introduction of the segregation rules by the Insurance Regulator, HNB General Insurance Limited (HNBGI) was created and commenced its operations in January 2015; HNBGI continues to specialize in motor, non-motor and Takaful insurance solutions and is a fully owned subsidiary of HNB Assurance PLC. HNB General Insurance has been assigned a ‘National Insurer Financial Strength Rating’ of ‘’A+’’ (lka) by Fitch Ratings Lanka Limited. HNBA is rated within the Top 100 brands and Top 100 companies in Sri Lanka by LMD and HNB Assurance has won international awards for Brand Excellence, Digital Marketing and HR Excellence including the Great Place To Work® Certification, and won many awards for its Annual Reports at award ceremonies organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka.

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