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Multi-Channel Connectivity and Superlative Customer Experience from HNB Assurance

As the country is navigating a challenging recovery, with much uncertainty and limitations ahead, HNB Assurance PLC (HNBA) has introduced multi-channel communication platforms for its customers enhancing ease, convenience, and efficiency to obtain information about the products of the Company, information pertaining to their policies or any inquiries or complaints without visiting a branch. Customers could now reach HNBA by dialing its hotline on 1301 or for text-based communication on 0766 384 384 via WhatsApp or via email or through its social media channels. Customer Experience is a core pillar of the Company’s strategy and HNBA, as a leading life insurance service provider in the country has introduced a number of initiatives to provide a superlative experience to its customers.   Sharing his views Mr. Lasitha Wimalaratne, Chief Executive Officer of HNBA stated, “Customer Experience is a journey, and the values of the brand are resonated through the service we provide to our customers at every moment and every touchpoint. The right customer experience strategy provides a seamless and consistently excellent experience across all channels and HNBA continuously strives to create an unmatched, superlative customer experience. The Company follows a simple yet effective Customer Experience mantra; that is every customer is unique and every customer has a different need. The key to providing a superlative service is by truly understating the customer beyond the words spoken. In a highly competitive market such as insurance, the right customer experience strategy can make a real difference and I’m extremely happy about HNBA’s Customer Experience Team and their efforts”.   Chief Marketing and Customer Experience Officer/General Manager of HNBA and its fully owned subsidiary HNB General Insurance Limited, Mr. Dinesh Yogaratnam express his views stating, “Today’s customer is extremely discerning in terms of what they expect from organisation that they transact with, whilst the importance of the right fit in terms of product goes unsaid, a well curated customer experience strategy which is meticulously implemented can help businesses to differentiate themselves and create that real difference which is felt by the customer. Simply put, Customer Experience in today’s context is the game changer. Customers seek seamless, consistently excellent solutions across all channels and with the intention of providing a world-class customer experience, HNBA has introduced several initiatives. The Company has infused and will continue to infuse better technology capabilities as the backbone along with enhanced data capabilities as a conduit through which a superior service delivery would be facilitated. The Company has also commenced various initiatives to inculcate a Customer First Ethos amongst its staff who would be the ultimate purveyor of our services.  As a brand which focuses on being attuned with the environment within which we operate, HNBA has constantly challenged the traditional business model and has adapted innovative ways to attract, win and retain its customers and will continue to set new benchmarks in terms of providing a superlative customer experience”.   Speaking on the multi-communication platforms, Head of Customer Experience/Assistant General Manager of HNBA, Mrs. Shaazna Ossen stated, “HNBA has taken several initiatives to provide an exceptional service by introducing multi-communication platforms, including an easy-to-remember short code number which customers could dial from any network to get in touch with us. Moreover, the Company has a designated Complaints Management Unit to resolve complaints in an efficient manner. These communication channels will be a pivotal steppingstone for us in fostering our relationships with customers especially during these challenging times. The Complaints Management Team has been provided direct access to the Senior Management of HNBA so that every customer complaint is resolved in an efficient manner. The Customer Experience standards of the Company is on par with industry standards and the performance of the Customer Experience team is constantly monitored to ensure that standards are maintained at every level. The Company has taken a number of initiatives to uplift, motive and empower the Customer Experience team as they are the face of the Company and to ensure a delivery of a superlative service. Customers can directly reach us by dialing 1301 or via WhatsApp, email or through our social media channels and our dedicated Customer Experience Team will assist all our customers with utmost efficiency”.   HNB Assurance PLC (HNBA) is a leading Life Insurance Companies in Sri Lanka with a network of 64 branches. HNBA is a Life Insurance company with a rating of ‘A+’ (lka) by Fitch Ratings Lanka for 'National Insurer Financial Strength Rating'. Following the introduction of the segregation rules by the Insurance Regulator, HNB General Insurance Limited (HNBGI) was created and commenced its operations in January 2015; HNBGI continues to specialize in motor, non-motor and Takaful insurance solutions and is a fully owned subsidiary of HNB Assurance PLC. HNB General Insurance has been assigned a 'National Insurer Financial Strength Rating' of ‘A+’ (lka) by Fitch Ratings Lanka Limited. HNBA is rated within the Top 100 brands and Top 100 companies in Sri Lanka by LMD and HNB Assurance has won international awards for Brand Excellence, Digital Marketing and HR Excellence including the Great Place To Work® Certification, and won many awards for its Annual Reports at award ceremonies organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka.

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HNB Assurance Opens a Brand New Branch in Baddegama

HNB Assurance PLC (HNBA) recently opened doors of its new branch in Baddegama. The branch is located in the heart of Baddegama and offers a range of facilities to its customers. Expressing his views at the branch opening, Chief Executive Officer of HNBA, Mr. Lasitha Wimalaratne stated, “this newest addition to our branch network reinforces our commitment towards providing an exceptional service to our customers across the country. HNBA has embarked on a journey to expand its footprint across the country with the intention of creating easy access to our product suit as well as to become an integral part of local communities and connecting with them. This newly opened branch will deliver a complete customer experience and will be a one-stop shop for all life insurance needs ranging from protection, health, savings, education and retirement within the footfall of the branch”. HNB Assurance PLC (HNBA) is one of the fastest growing Insurance Companies in Sri Lanka with a network of 64 branches. HNBA is a Life Insurance company with a rating of ‘A+’ (lka) by Fitch Ratings Lanka for 'National Insurer Financial Strength Rating'. Following the introduction of the segregation rules by the Insurance Regulator, HNB General Insurance Limited (HNBGI) was created and commenced its operations in January 2015; HNBGI continues to specialize in motor, non-motor and Takaful insurance solutions and is a fully owned subsidiary of HNB Assurance PLC. HNB General Insurance has been assigned a 'National Insurer Financial Strength Rating' of ‘A+’ (lka) by Fitch Ratings Lanka Limited. HNBA is rated within the Top 100 brands and Top 100 companies in Sri Lanka by LMD and HNB Assurance has won international awards for Brand Excellence, Digital Marketing and HR Excellence including the Great Place To Work® Certification, and won many awards for its Annual Reports at award ceremonies organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka.

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1301 Assurance Line by HNB Assurance

HNB Assurance PLC (HNBA) a leading life insurance service provider in the country recently introduced a short-code hotline, 1301 which is known as the Assurance Line. This enhances ease, convenience, and efficiency and all customer inquiries, complaints and requests related to life insurance policies could be directed to our dedicated Call Center by simply dialing 1301. Sharing his views Mr. Lasitha Wimalaratne, Chief Executive Officer of HNBA stated, “Being a customer-centric organization, HNBA has taken several initiatives to provide a superlative experience, and this is yet another step in that direction, enabling customers to get in touch with us easily. Customer Experience is a core pillar of the Company and we remain well focused on delivering consistent, seamless, and innovative solutions to our customers. The business will continue to invest and introduce agile and efficient ways to enhance our customer experience in order to attract, win and retain our customers by exceeding all expectations”. HNB Assurance PLC (HNBA) is one of the fastest growing Insurance Companies in Sri Lanka with a network of 64 branches. HNBA is a Life Insurance company with a rating of ‘A+’ (lka) by Fitch Ratings Lanka for 'National Insurer Financial Strength Rating'. Following the introduction of the segregation rules by the Insurance Regulator, HNB General Insurance Limited (HNBGI) was created and commenced its operations in January 2015; HNBGI continues to specialize in motor, non-motor and Takaful insurance solutions and is a fully owned subsidiary of HNB Assurance PLC. HNB General Insurance has been assigned a 'National Insurer Financial Strength Rating' of ‘A+’ (lka) by Fitch Ratings Lanka Limited. HNBA is rated within the Top 100 brands and Top 100 companies in Sri Lanka by LMD and HNB Assurance has won international awards for Brand Excellence, Digital Marketing and HR Excellence including the Great Place To Work® Certification, and won many awards for its Annual Reports at award ceremonies organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka.

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