Providing of a Video Laryngoscope Portable monitor and a Machintosh Laryngoscope Blade at a value of Rs. 1.8 Million.
Sevanagala Usbim Maha Vidyalaya is located 18km away from the Town of Embilipitiya. There are more than 400 students and 36 teachers in this school with grades up to year 13.
The School sources water from a tube well but due to the mud concentration in the water it cannot be used for drinking purpose.
The School was provided with a water filter and a sink.
Dahagoniya Primary School is located 10km away from the Township of Buttala. There are more than 340 students and 16 teachers in this school with grades up to 5. They face many difficulties due to the mud concentration in the water, which is not suitable for drinking purposes. The School was provided with a water filtering system.