This school is situated approximately 35 KM from Ampara in Neetha, Madawalalanda. The water in the area is brackish and unfit for human consumption. The school does not receive water supply from the National Water Supply & Drainage Board due to the distance from the main road. The school however receives water from the Navy camp adjoining it once a week as it does not have adequate storage facilities. The request from the school is for the installation of a water tank on a tower as well as the construction of a system of taps for the children to use.
This school is located in Kotapola approximately 8 KM away from the Deniyaya town on the boarder of the Sinharaja Forest Reserve. The school accommodates 125 students and conduct classes up to G.C.E O/L. Though this school has a well, it does not have proper water/tap system to distribute water inside the school premises. Continuing the Water Stewardship initiative, a water system was donated to the school.
This school is located in Batticaloa approximately 3 KM away from the Batticaloa town. Though the school has a dug well, water cannot be used for consumption purposes. As requested a tube-well, and a water system to store and distribute water within the school premise was donated. through which water could be extracted, stored and distributed to the school.